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01 - About

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Upload your guides and get the information you need, instantly.
02 - Features

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Get the information you need when you need it
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Let any PDF document be your instant knowledge base.
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Instant Indexing
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Visual learners rejoice
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04 - Preview

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04 - How To

Get your info, fast!

Ask your manuals anything and find exactly what you need, instantly.
  • Ask your guides anything
    And find exactly what you need, instantly.
  • Handy video suggestions
    We'll match how-to videos so you can get it done.
  • Centralised storage
    Keep all your user guides in one place and reference them anytime, anywhere.
05 - Pricing

Our Simple Pricing

Get started with our generous plans, and upgrade to another plan if you need more features. Account plans unlock additional features.

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  • 50MB Document Limit
Early Bird Lifetime Plan


Lifetime Deal
  • Unlimited Guides
  • 100k Tokens per month
  • Unlimited Topic Saves
  • 50MB Document Limit


/ month
  • Unlimited Guides
  • 500k Tokens per month
  • Unlimited Topic Saves
  • 50MB Document Limit
06 - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

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